Few days ago .i met a friend who was my friend in high school .we talked to each other at a very late time .he got something urgent.so i had to go home alone . i had to go through a long street to get my home .when i arrived that street ,i realize the light have been broken for a long time .the street revealed comparative dark, i am indistinctly felling there is a person follow me, at that time I was wearing Christian Louboutin high-heeled shoes, can't run so fast.so I stopped my step.i took out my Perfume bottle.suddently i turn back,and began to spary the perfume to that person who followed me .and i kicked him.he was crying and he shout at me "hey Amy ,it's me mike" . I hurriedly picked him up and went towards to a store . MY God, have so much blood on his feet . I didn't remember what caused his feet bleeding...

The next day, i sit in the bed , i saw the red points on christian louboutin shoes , i sudden remember it's my shoes caused the bleeding ..... ,i can't help to laugh. so I give this pair of shoes a name call "defend Wolf high-heeled shoes"
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